I'm thrilled to say that
Exit Strategy is in Amazon's Police Procedurals top 100, based on customer reviews!
Top 100!! And it's been there for a few weeks now.
I'm happy, can you tell?
Writing a novel is a long and solitary journey full of surprises, setbacks, and self-doubt. Reader reviews and feedback are the best possible rewards.
As I'm writing, I always wonder whether you as a reader will like what you see on the printed page, or e-page for that matter. Will you identify with Kat, Jace and the rest of the Exit Strategy gang? Is there enough suspense to keep the pages turning? Just so you know, my secret goal is to keep you up way past your bedtime! Moo ha ha!
Okay, not so secret now.
Seriously though, these my thoughts as I write. After all, novels are entertainment. If you're investing a dozen or more hours of your life to read my book, I want to ensure you have a great reading experience.
I write what I know best, the best way I know how. And hope that will transport you to another world, away from your to-do lists, worries and tedium of everyday life.
Thanks for reading!